In February 2008 a group of neighbors presented a proposal to the City of Middletown Ohio’s Council on Landmarks and Historic Districts to create the Highlands Historic District.

The mission of the Highlands Historic District, HHD, is to foster public awareness and appreciation of the historical significance of homes in the District, and of the contribution to the growth and success of the Middletown community made by the persons and families who built them and lived in them; to preserve the authentic architecture of the homes; and to inspire, strengthen and maintain the bonds of neighborhood.

The public hearing was held August 19, 2009 where information was presented to support the creation of the HHD. Several residents spoke in favor of creating the district and 40 attended the meeting. No resident spoke against the district and with a unanimous decision the decision was made to recommend CIty Council establish the Highlands Historic District.

Middletown City Council approved the HHD on October 6, 2009 by Ordinance O2009-81 which took effect on November 6, 2009.