A brick beauty from 1910

 This beautiful home lies right on the edge of the Highlands Historic District right next to the old Lincoln School. We are building the story of this home, if you would like to share some history about this home or the families that have cared for this home through the years CLICK HERE to contact us.

Elizabeth Reed - 1910 to February 13, 1920

Middletown Realty - February 13, 1920 to March 31, 1924

Clinton D. and Marie H. Boyd - March 31, 1924 to March 4, 1952

Jack Casper - March 4, 1954 to January 15, 1959

S. Joseph and Margaret Schramm - January 15, 1959 to 1982

Mark A. and Karen Asmacher - 1982 to July 5, 1991

David and Lana White - July 5, 1991 to March 14, 2002

Marc and Maria Klein - March 14, 2002 to Present