Volunteer Registration
There are 3 different types of volunteering you can do with the Highlands for our 2019 Holiday Tour of Homes. The tour is set for Sunday December 8th with a practice run on Saturday December 7th (so have no fear, if you help with the tour you will still get to see the homes plus it will be for free!)
Holiday Tour Planning Committee - These volunteers will meet throughout the year to organize and plan all aspects of the tour including day of events. Meeting dates and times will be decided on by the committee which will be headed by Andy Brickler.
Day of Tour Volunteer - These volunteers will assist in organizing the day of activities such as ticket sales, merchandise sales, lantern lighting, trolley stations, and helping the homes on the tour guide people. This group will be headed up by Jamie Brickler
Open Your Home to Tour - The VIP of our volunteers because without you we can not have a tour. We must have a minimum of 6 homes to have a tour. As the owner of the home, you are welcome to open as much or as little of your home as you would like and all homes in the district are special and beautiful and worth showing off whether it was built in 1894 or 1990, perfectly restored or in the middle of construction. This group will be managed by Jamie Brickler.
Feel free if you have additional questions or concerns to reach out to Jamie or Andy at jlbrickler@gmail.com, abrickler@gmail.com or info@highlandshistoricdististrict.org.